Saturday, January 28, 2006 @ 1:54 PM 1.If you had all the money in the world and could choose to own anything, what you would get and why?Microsoft, Apple, Linux, Google, Yahoo dan yang seangkatan dengannya...Why? to make more money, of course... 2. If you were to do something that scares you, what would it be?Getting married...wakakakaka 3. What was your first pet?The one and only pet that I ever own, or rather he owned me was a cat, named Cat 4. What's the farthest you've traveled?Cardiff, Wales 5. If you were a season, which one would you be and why?Seasoning...hahahahaha...because I add flavour to those around me... Posted by bukooch @ 1:54 PM [0]comment(s) Friday, January 27, 2006 @ 5:15 PM Darth Vader dah mula menyerang 'musuhnya', bukan faiz tau.. tapi angah. Camni citer dia. Aku kena bertugas kat bilik gerakan 1 feb nih. Cam hampeh ler kan. Carik ganti tak dapat so mintak pengecualian ler. Rakan setugas pun dah setuju dia bertugas sorang2. Aku pun buat surat utk formality purpose. Pergi tempat dia, dan dia baca.. aku lepak ngan izah kat tempat dia. Guys I'll quote the exact conversation we had (if it can be called conversation ler) Darth Vader : Ni siapa punya nih (jalan ke arah aku, obviously dia tau ler aku punyer DUH..) Aku : Saya punya Darth Vader : Awak haslina, apa nick name awak tu.. Angah ye, awak yang dipanggil angah? Aku : saya encik, kawan2 jer panggil angah Darth Vader : awak kena ikut prosedurlah, cari ganti Aku : Pegawai penyelaras kata satu pegawai dah cukup. Darth Vader : Saya tak tau, awak ada baca memo? kat situ ada peraturan pegawai bertugas. Macamana awak buat saya tak tau, ikut peraturan (jotting something on my memo) Aku : Puan X dah setuju jadi pegawai bertugas Darth Vader : Tak disebut di sini pun (flipping my memo) Aku : Ok, saya ammend surat letak nama Puan X Darth Vader : ikut prosedur yang ditetapkanlah, dua pegawai. Aku : ok Aku balik opis ammend surat, letak nama Puan X. Darth Vader tuh bukannya Pegawai Penyelaras pun. Penolong Pegawai Penyelaras pun kata ok, dia plak lebih2. Memo yang aku dah ammend tuh aku addressed pada pengarah direktorat. Habis cerita. Kesimpulannya. Memangler dia nih holds grudge kat kami 15 orang nih. Siap tanya nick name aku tak pasal2. So aku rasa aku ngan Faiz ler target utama konspirasi Darth Vader nih. Hampeh sungguh lah dia. Posted by Angah @ 5:15 PM [3]comment(s) @ 5:04 PM Guys, before my boss back from meeting and instruct me to stay back, here's my wish to all you before I'm goin back;) Wishing you happy holiday, take good care of yourself on the road kay, Happy Chinese New Year everybody. Cheeerrss!! ![]() Let us all gather round and cheer, Posted by a g e n t p r o v o c a t e u r @ 5:04 PM [0]comment(s) @ 4:55 PM TOLERATION Hmmmm...apa pendapat korang, rasa2 nya ada tak word ni? Effi dapat masa executive talk ari tu...panel tu guna this word...effi cek kat google ada..but i dont know.. Posted by LavenderGal08 @ 4:55 PM [3]comment(s) @ 3:40 PM 1. If you had all the money in the world and could choose to own anything, what you would get and why? I want to own Real Madrid and kick Perez ass. 2. If you were to do something that scares you, what would it be? Hehehe...aku tak suka tempat gelap dengan sempit sebenarnya,so masa sewer di BOMBA tu hari..aku dah buat menda yg aku takut. 3. What was your first pet? Ikan Laga...femes oo time musim tengkujuh,tengah boring time hujan tuh..laga ikan..hehe 5. If you were a season, which one would you be and why? Summer..I'll give the warmth to everybody... Posted by X-weatherman @ 3:40 PM [0]comment(s) @ 1:07 PM Angah's five on friday 1. If you had all the money in the world and could choose to own anything, what you would get and why? I want to own Petronas and Maxis, so I'll be even richer 2. If you were to do something that scares you, what would it be? Giving a normal birth to twins 3. What was your first pet? My sister? naah.. actually a fish ( ikan puyu I fished) 4. What's the farthest you've traveled? Geographically Japan... mentally, emotionally of course marriage and still travelling the journey (never ending one) 5. If you were a season, which one would you be and why? Autum... serene and romantic, lots of vibrant colours.. Posted by Angah @ 1:07 PM [1]comment(s) @ 12:01 PM 1. If you had all the money in the world and could choose to own anything, what you would get and why? Palace...just wanna feel like mumtaz for getting one from shah jehan but i'll build it for myself, luxoriuos cars, latest tech features esp on tv, dvd, pc n etc, private jet, shoes, make-up, perfume...alah byk bebeno benda yg nak... 2. If you were to do something that scares you, what would it be? Walking near the volcano...just to see the lava (hhoooottttttt) or just from afar seeing the big twister(terasa nak jadi helen hunt lak).... 3. What was your first pet? Fish...suka sangat tengok gelagat ikan bandaraya...but i luv cat 4. What's the farthest you've traveled? Malu la...still in the ASEAN countries.. 5. If you were a season, which one would you be and why? Winter...i luuvvvv the white feeling...purity of the surrounding...calmness of the scenario...sighhh Posted by LavenderGal08 @ 12:01 PM [2]comment(s) @ 11:33 AM TODAY vaise FRIDAY 5 1. If you had all the money in the world and could choose to own anything, what you would get and why? 2. If you were to do something that scares you, what would it be? 3. What was your first pet? 4. What's the farthest you've traveled? 5. If you were a season, which one would you be and why?
2. Did you follow through? If not, what happened? 3. Is your life turning out the way you thought it would when you were a kid? If not, is it better or worse? 4. Paradoxes aside, if you could time-travel back to when you were 10 years old, what would you tell your 10-year-old self? 5. Do you think the child you were, would like the adult you've become? oh yeah, Rais baru je call aku, dia kim salam terlampau kat korang suma, he.. he... Posted by a g e n t p r o v o c a t e u r @ 11:33 AM [3]comment(s) @ 10:31 AM 1. If you had all the money in the world and could choose to own anything, what you would get and why? A pen for me to just sign the cheque book 2. If you were to do something that scares you, what would it be? Carry aiza on my back… again? 3. What was your first pet? Cat 4. What's the farthest you've traveled? How long is the sewer huh? 5. If you were a season, which one would you be and why? Spring Posted by .a.k.u.b.u.d.a.k.h.i.t.a.m. @ 10:31 AM [2]comment(s) @ 9:17 AM its friday already... so................ its time for our Jumaat5 1. If you had all the money in the world and could choose to own anything, what you would get and why? a private jet with a hunk pilot (hv my reason :p) lots of mansions (by the beach, on the hill) a private island lots of cars, suv, superbike..(u name it i got it) i want to buy harpo entertainment (oprah's company) and lots more..cant think of anything right now 2. If you were to do something that scares you, what would it be? bungee jumping, i always wanted to try this thingy, had the chance of doing it at new zealand but it cost way 3. What was your first pet? cat.since i was born until now.i love cats 4. What's the farthest you've traveled? i suck in geography.hem,see i'd been to uk, spore, thailand, indonesia, egypt, qatar, australia, italy, austria, switzerland, new mane paling jauh ah? 5. If you were a season, which one would you be and why? definitely spring.the most loveliest season.need i say more so, go ahead,copy & paste it in ur entry. BOWLING TOURNAMENT *syiqah nye wedding 26 so 19 tuh bleh gak.. need u all to vote for the date.pretty please easy for me to do all the bookings and etc.. and easy for me to find a date for my kursus kahwin so far,those who are interested to join 1.aiza 2.hasry 3.noor 4.effie 5.elfian <------ did i say yes? 6.angah 7.rais (aku x kesah, ko kena turun gak) 8.faiz (aku x kesah,pujuk gak boss ko) 9.ila (dont worry,aku pon penah baling bola ke blkg :p) kedah 11.eppy khayalan 12.fareez mantan ado k.selangor 13.ghajali yang lelain..taknak ke.. kamal, areep, azam, jeli, nisa, ahah, jimmy, jmeer, ida, nizam, izan, kakhusna, paroh, buddy, diana, masrizal, samasama, harith, rafiza, pejal, zanajepong, asyatul, mimi, zanaj, azuan, fidodildo, kakzanaz, wadi, aidabai, cqoh, hasan, davina, sewmei, faiza, sam, ag and the rest yang still x join blog nih.. once i dah dpt the exact date, i'll email yang still x join blog nih kerana aku yang berminat nak adakan nih.. so aku akan sponsor hadiah utk group terbaik,bowler terbaik and hadiah misteri and sesape yang nak cip in skalik..dipersilakan now babeh and lastly, "GONG XI FA CAI" "Pandu,Tunggang & Jalan Dengan Selamat" "Ingat Orang Yang Tersayang" "Selamat Menyambut Maal Hijrah" "Happy Holiday" "Bring Your Heart Home" Posted by ♥ a i z a ♥ @ 9:17 AM [5]comment(s) Thursday, January 26, 2006 @ 2:58 PM Kengkawan.... Besok aku dah start cuti, gong xi fa cai! Wuhooo... takde perasaan langsung nak keje arini. Boz pun mcm takde mood jugak. Anyway, happy lunar new year and slamet bercuti. Setuju dgn ketua jkkklcc, iatu saudara elfian, bulan ni kdgn vitamin c dlm badan dlm konteks yg melampau. Ni pun tak abih lagi. Itupun dah bagi kat public. Rasa mcm lg best lak blog kat sini, pasal virus yg 183k tu takde. Sakit jiwa inbox aku dibuatnye. Kpd yg dtg ukm aritu, seronok dpt jumpe korang, catch up with news and such. Selepas kekecohan tentang paper stat aritu, diharap that will be the last of it. Tak keruan hidup dibuatnya. Yg lepas, congrats! Yg tak lepas, atur lah strategi berkongsi jawapan yg success rate nye tinggi. Good luck buddies. Gong xi fa cai!!!!!!!!!! Posted by davina @ 2:58 PM [5]comment(s) @ 2:47 PM I wont write much here. Especially about the latest incident at Parcel A. I WAS under 'pemerhatian'. Somebody who must not be named here with doctorate, announced war against me a week before end of DPA. He, who must be known as dark lords here gathers all of the big shots in my department to, reunites them as dark followers. They already planned, and worked their plans as far as Ive been told. Crap, am I talking about conspiracy here… Look, simply said, if I published something here, it could portray all of us stand as one mind, yes it might be true, but I dont want it to be that way. Feel free to read my view regarding the incident on my blog. Remember guys, trust no. 1. Posted by a g e n t p r o v o c a t e u r @ 2:47 PM [12]comment(s) @ 2:39 PM my beloved friends... as u can see i already posted an entry about our very own bowling tournament.. so far only 7 people commented... i know u have been bz and all.. so thats why i created a poll for u all to vote.. please choose ur desired date for the bowling tournament.. u can find the poll right under the contributors name.. so please please please please my dear friend... please vote for ur desired date... the voting will close on 3rd Feb [12 noon] dapat 20-30 untuk join pon is gud enuff for me.. and for those bebudak sidang c yang interested.. but still belom masuk blog nih..please please email me at chayunk[at] with the title JOM BOWLING!! (if nak join bowling) or BLOGGING IS FUN!! (if nak join blog ni) so what are you guys/girls waiting for... it would only take 15secs of ur time... so..till then..muahsss Posted by ♥ a i z a ♥ @ 2:39 PM [7]comment(s) @ 2:37 PM Hi kwn2.. ari ni aku lunch di Alamanda with my officemate. Terserempak lak dgn Ustaz Hasan, Fareed Zakaria, Johan, Mamu & Farzamie kat food court. Dahlah hari ni aku pakai bj batik dpa, mmg sangat terserlah kat Alamanda tu..huhu...jom esok lunch kat Alamanda kwn2 :) Posted by cqa @ 2:37 PM [4]comment(s) @ 1:50 PM This is an anecdote pinned on the noticeboard of the dietetics department at NUTRITION FACTS
Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attack than the Mexicans eat a lot of fat and suffer fewer heart attack than the African drinks very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attack than Italian drink large amount of red wine and suffer fewer heart attack Germans drink a lot of beer and eat lots of sausages and fats and CONCLUSION Eat and drink what you like. From a Malaysian student. Posted by a g e n t p r o v o c a t e u r @ 1:50 PM [2]comment(s) Wednesday, January 25, 2006 @ 6:22 PM ![]() wAH..ARi ni 2nd time buat siasatan but kali ni ada my case. Dari Shah Alam ke Subang Jaya n last2 kat Cheras..Penat bebeno...dah le paneh gitu. Best gak bila pak guard cam nak ek ek tak nak bagi masuk but bila cakap 'Saya dari PKK, MECD..datang nak buat siasatan' peerggghhh...baru pak grd tu menurunkan muka nye yg ek ek tu...hehe Posted by LavenderGal08 @ 6:22 PM [0]comment(s) @ 4:57 PM tetiba nak tulis lagi, bolot untuk today. aku rasa badan aku dah banyak sangat vitamin c pasal banyak sangat aku makan limau mandarin ni dah berbiji biji.... kat opis ni dah ada berpuluh kotak, tak tahu la sapa nak habiskan semuanya... aku rasa kalau habis kan mau cirit dibuatnya macam cirit kat kuala itu hari.... bau kulit sedap sungguh, kalau pening sure terus baik kecuali kalau farah sasha naik gunung, pasal kalau dia naik gunung asyik nak sendawa je... apsal tetiba ceriat farah sasha blusher tu? lupa kan.. next.... ha lagi satu sapa yang nak habis kan segala limau ni? ha? eh aiza yang bowling tu bila? kalau ramai nak gak join, boleh la walaupun tak hebat sangat... kepada angah kalau nak kasik baby sit kan anak ko no hal tapi masalahnya anak ko nak ke kat aku ni ha... dah la hitam berkerak lak tu, takut la nanti anak ko nangis je... ok la tetiba sentimental lak... ciao Posted by .a.k.u.b.u.d.a.k.h.i.t.a.m. @ 4:57 PM [5]comment(s) @ 4:49 PM Angah and the 5 questions 1. What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a nurse, of obvious reason at that time "nak menolong orang lain"... bah! second choice, a teacher, and third choice a policeman. So lame kan tapi most of us had those three career in mind. I remember spelling nurse as misi in the record book :)) 2. Did you follow through? If not, what happened? Nope! I did joint the red cresent society, but I hate to think one day I'll be clad in white uniform, thus bye2 nurse (eheh too educated to become one?) I became a 'tea-chur' to my husband, and I hate teachers (not all) for reasons known to me, and I did applied to become an ASP but they turn me down (tak cukup inci cet!). So I got involved in events management, did a bit of teaching (huh!.. how did I get into that?) and later PTD, aku tak tau pun menatang apa PTD nih. 3. Is your life turning out the way you thought it would when you were a kid?If not, is it better or worse? Better is suppose. Things happen for a reason. I always believe in that even if it's a bitter pill to swallow. One day we'll realize that the bitterness we swallowed is actually a remedy. 4. Paradoxes aside, if you could time-travel back to when you were 10 years old, what would you tell your 10-year-old self? Rileklah... SPM 7 tahun lagik eheheh 5. Do you think the child you were, would like the adult you've become? I doubt so remembering the old me... but then the old me had moulded me into becoming the present me (get it?) but hey, she'll adapt. Posted by Angah @ 4:49 PM [0]comment(s) @ 4:35 PM aku dah tak tahu nak buat apa ni pasal dah banyak sangat benda nak kena baik la aku bersama kawan kawan sekalian untuk berblog 1. What did you want to be when you grew up? Aku nak jadi doctor sebenarnya tapi entah la, nak cakap bodoh, pandai; nak cakap pandai, tak der rezeki kot. 2. Did you follow through? If not, what happened? ] Memula memang follow sefollow follownye sampai masuk ranking for 100 best student masuk medic but nama tak de for medical school.. Hmm tak de rezeki la tu… 3. Is your life turning out the way you thought it would when you were a kid?If not, is it better or worse? Perfecto 4. Paradoxes aside, if you could time-travel back to when you were 10 years old, what would you tell your 10-year-old self Love yourself 5. Do you think the child you were, would like the adult you've become? Definitely Posted by .a.k.u.b.u.d.a.k.h.i.t.a.m. @ 4:35 PM [2]comment(s) @ 3:40 PM read mine 1. What did you want to be when you grew up? mcm org lain polis 1st ranking la sebab bapak aku polis, yg canggih sikit usahawan n tentera (sebut betul betul) 2. Did you follow through? If not, what happened? try la nak follow through, masa form 4 amik soc science then masa matric amik account, nak jadi businessman la katakan, masa uni amik business at last di sini juga. tp still ada sekelumit rasa..... 3. Is your life turning out the way you thought it would when you were a kid?If not, is it better or worse? much much better 4. Paradoxes aside, if you could time-travel back to when you were 10 years old, what would you tell your 10-year-old self? enjoy your years as kid, there is still a long way to go, don't pressure yourself... you will be somebody 5. Do you think the child you were, would like the adult you've become? with parents like my mama n daddy - of course i will that's all keep in touch payjal Posted by payjal @ 3:40 PM [4]comment(s) @ 9:21 AM Sambung citer Effi Lepas jumpa cik fazni aku pi makan kat cafe, jumpa muhaimin, dia pun story mory pasal stats jugak. Pastu angah pi jumpa En Yaman dapatkan bekalan Power Bar recovery drink. Haaaaa masa nih bebudak DPA 1/05 tengah buat BMI reading. Ramai jugak yang akan masuk kelas obs (macam aku join dulu eheh) Sambil borak ngan En. Yaman sambil dengar bebudak nih sok sek sok sek... teringat zaman DPA siutt. Masa dalam dewan sblm tuh bebudak nih memang aktif ler bertanya, tak macam kita dulu hhahaha. Anyway, jumpa en. Fahim. Angah ngan efi memulakan "buah pencak larikan diri jurus ultra" keluar dari dewan. On UDPA, kenapa skrg nih PP diambil daripada kalangan mereka yang baru abis PTD Unggul. Adalah tidak syok nak memanggil mereka nih cik atau encik...DPA tuh depa tak tau apa benda ye tak? Teringat Tn Masri punya dialog smlm "CIK Nakiah pun tgh amik DPA skang" I was like tak de masanya aku nak address her as cik Nakiah. UDPA ada 4 PP kosong.. lelong....lelong... any takers? Posted by Angah @ 9:21 AM [1]comment(s) Tuesday, January 24, 2006 @ 4:46 PM sedang aku mengunyah kuaci bangsa Chacheer yang sedap sambil melihat gambar2 sewaktu bermain bowling dahulu.. tiba2 aku mendapat idea... apa kate jika kitaaaaaaaaaaa buat... "BOWLING TOURNAMENT" kita buat ari sabtu or ahad... tempat & tarikh terpulang... yang pstinya kat ampang point tuh 3game+shoes=rm13.. and bagi memastikan fair and square.. kita akan bahagikan ikut kumpulan.. kita amek secara rawak (penangan research method) so sesiapa yang .. 1.berminat and nak tolong aku organize 2.menyokong cadangan murni ini 3.boleh mencadangkan tempat / tarikh 4.mencadangkan Project Manager & assistant PLEZ PLEZ PLEZ PLEZ PLEZ PLEZ PLEZ tinggalkan mesej dlm comment specially to those yang name ade kat blog.. tp diam seribu bahasa..muahahahahaha... plez ..i really hope ramai akan involve.. so hope to hear for u all. Posted by ♥ a i z a ♥ @ 4:46 PM [7]comment(s) @ 2:39 PM Ha...hA... Ni baru balik dari executive talk kat INTAN. The talk was interesting..about national integration:between myth&reality. But da best part bila dok tengok bebudak DPA kena memenuhkan ruang2 yang kosong...but aktif gila diaorang masa Q&A...berebut2 nak bertanya. Oh ya! Lupa lak...dia org kan ada merit system so mesti la kena perform. Lepaih talk angah nak pi jumpa cik fazni, so effi pun ikut n jumpa tn masri sekali...masa ni kengkawan kita baru abih taklimat abt 2mrow so tak jumpa pun dia org pun. Update-En. Zainuddin dah jadi ketua unit antarabangsa, en. jep kat unit kepimpinan, en. nazli nak pi sambung blajar, ada 4 pp baru from dpa 2/2005... Posted by LavenderGal08 @ 2:39 PM [4]comment(s) @ 8:36 AM ![]() ![]() yo yo malu saya! heheheh itu line masa kat polis ngan Pidah... hebat ke? hmmm semalam jumpa kak wani ngan midy kat mcD desa pandan... ya Allah happynye aku dapat jumpa kawan balik rumah(effina azwazi) ngan kawan ngata org sampai pecah bilik(midy).... sampai mcD terus je aktiviti mengata org si tuuuutttttttttt.... hmmmm memang pun banyak sangat versi....kalau versi aku belum lagi tu... lagi la habis terus aku rasa... sadakallahulazim kot.... mana mana je la cerita yang aku dengar... apa apa pun.... mana pergi semua org... yang jaga kewangan tu apsal la diam je pulak, kan AKB dah habis... tempoh query pun dah habis semalam.... so masuk la sini memblogkan diri.... jangan la nak menipu buat budget ke apa ke... budget bulan mac baru start.... tender setakat ikut prosedur tu je tak la kena maki.... dah la penat lak jari jemari aku ni.... nak order mcD jap... malas nak turun makan... or call 1300 13 1300. place an order... have a nice day! putik keranji anak pegaga, tumbuh di relung selayang pandang, ikatan janji hidup berkeluarga, mengapa canggung makan sehidang? jawab pantun tu....... aku nak tengok kekreatifan korang.... sesapa penah dengar jawapan aku jangan la guna jawapan tu.... guna lain sikit.... come on sidang C.... kita menang semua pertandingan la, takkan pantun tak leh jawab kot..... Posted by .a.k.u.b.u.d.a.k.h.i.t.a.m. @ 8:36 AM [3]comment(s) Monday, January 23, 2006 @ 10:51 PM My God!!! If only my beloved Padji Ozzi could scream, he would have done so, I think. who is he? my car la. gender: male. usually people will refer to their cars/ships/yachts as a 'she', as their wife bla bla bla. one of the reason? because they have to pour their tender loving care towards their 'beloved'. so, takkan aku nak refer kat keta aku as my wife kan...hence the male gender. anyhow, aku sebenarnya nak citer yang petang tadi aku stuck dlm jam yang teruk giler!!! aku clock out kat opis pukul 5.34 pm. turun bawah, panas enjin, that would make it around 5.40 to 5.45 aku start driving. putrajaya cerah lagi time tu. masuk highway still ok, start hujan rintik sikit. sampai toll sg besi, ok lagi. sampai petronas lepas toll, jam start, though not as bad. aku rasa start teruknya after furniture world semua tu...and tambah pulak dengan hujan. arrive in kl? 8.10 pm...terus gi klcc sebab kena amik adik. nak wee-wee pulak dah...sampai klcc, park keta, carik toilet... my daily commute that takes only 40 minutes putrajaya to kl took me around 2 1/2 hours today...manyak penat la drive ini hari..sebab sendiri yg nak beli keta manual takleh la nak komplen bebanyak. and to cheer meself, kat klcc gi kinokuniya. beli 3 books - The Zahir (Paolo Coelho), Fight Club (Chuck Palahniuk) and One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel Garcia Marquez) ...abis duit...lepas tu baru balik rumah. ohh...effi..buku 'the other boleyn girl' aku tu kan...rege sebenar dia 64 ringgit....wahahahaha....i'll start reading the book once aku habis The City of Falling Angels (John Berendt) yang aku tengah baca sekarang ni... sekian cerita bukooch, traffic jam dan buku. terima kasih kerana sudi mendengar... and again its me, myself and i bukooch, the walking contradiction Posted by bukooch @ 10:51 PM [1]comment(s) @ 5:27 PM Petang yang SUWEY Petang yang suwey (pardon my language, I just have to puke it all out of my system) Dah dekat Pekan K*p*r bila aku terserempak dengan mamat bongek tu. Sebab benda tu dah lama, adalah dalam 7 tahun, aku senyumlah, malas dah nak ingat cerita lama, mamat bongek ni boleh buat muka pastu paling ke lain. Memang sial! Woi ko ingat ko sapa nak buat aku camtu! sudahlah ko tipu mak bapak aku, pakcik aku yang satu sekolah ngan ko, sedara mara aku yang dah percaya kat ko, boleh lagi ko buat aku camtu! Nampak sangat BERSALAH! I'm a kind of person who will never forget. I can accept the fact that he married someone else, that we are not destined to be together. I swallowed it slowly rationalising that this is Allah's way of telling me that that mamat bongek is not for me. I can accept it, he dumped me just like that, I can accept it. But when the truth prevailed, that he actually made up stories about me and my family to his, made up stories about his family to mine to be with his new lover. I cannot accept it! You can talk nasty things about me but not my family, ever! It just shows how low one can get and YOU mamat bongek had showed me just that. I wasted 5 years of my emotional life damn it. Jadi kalau aku dah senyum tu, dan aku tau ko nampak aku, cubalah sedar sikit. Aku bukan nak ko bercakap ngan aku, menyembah aku mohon maaf, menyembah mak aku, sedara mara aku mintak ampun. Aku cuma nak ko jadi manusia yang beradab, yang berbudi, macam suatu waktu dulu. At least senyumlah balik. Aku dah takde perasaan dah. Aku dah ada suami dan anak yang membahagiakan aku. Ko jagalah bini ko tuh baik2. Aku doakan ko cepat dapat anak. Dah 5 tahun kan ko kawin? sebab ko pun anak tunggal kan.. (Copied from Angah's Blog) Posted by Angah @ 5:27 PM [3]comment(s) @ 3:52 PM begini la kisah hujung minggu aku.... Been out since noon until late evening with a friend. We chose to hang out at One Utama this time round just to see what its like to be at one of those sub-urban shopping malls. The journey itself took us an hour, finding a parking space another half hour, and figuring out where we were exactly in the mall took a good 20 minutes. All in all, it was bloody tiring and a waste of time. I was swearing most of the time thanks to the long queues and the long walk we had to take from one end to the other. Had lunch at this hot dog shop and then did a very long walk around the huge mall. The entire OU (plus its extension) is shaped like a hook, which makes it even more confusing when ur inside it. There were several times when I couldn’t find my way and lost sense of direction. Despite the hectic outing, I still managed to find a nice coffee shop called Kajang Station (or was it Kluang Station?). The coffee with kaya toast are just splendid. I couldnt ask anything else for my early evening break. I saw plenty of nice, specialised diners over there, unlike KLCC where space is limited. But still, I'm not so keen in trying all of them out cos I hate traffic jams, I can’t bear the distance and the long wait for a parking space. For me, KLCC is still a superb shopping and outing experience. Posted by .a.k.u.b.u.d.a.k.h.i.t.a.m. @ 3:52 PM [3]comment(s) @ 2:47 PM Sori la tanya kat sini...ade tak sesape korang yang kena gi executive talk kat INTAN esok. Ingatkan masa DPA je kena gi executive talk, rupa2nya kena gi wakil KSU esok. Rahah, Nisa..kalau korang tak di 'Saya yang menurut perintah' ke executive talk ni, jom lunch esok? About yg 40 orang tu, dengar cerita INTAN dah call hari Jumaat & Sabtu lepas. So, kalau korang takde orang INTAN call, should be ok la kot... Posted by LavenderGal08 @ 2:47 PM [0]comment(s) @ 2:36 PM akum korg. ade dgr citer psl re sit Research Methodology? aku dgr exam nye ari rabu - 40 org kantoi. esok ade taklimat. i've called cik fazni td lhamdulillah.. aku selamat. okla, hope kite sume xsangkut RM. Posted by Unknown @ 2:36 PM [1]comment(s) @ 2:07 PM my next hi-5 of the week.. :) but first of all..THANKS A LOT, AIZA for remembering my bdayy..and happy bday to rais dgn jeli jugakss.. 1. What did you want to be when you grew up? biaser ler..dr, engineerr..last2 di sini la akuu.. 2. Did you follow through? If not, what happened? tak langsungg.. 3. Is your life turning out the way you thought it would when you were a kid?If not, is it better or worse? Definitely better!!!! 4. Paradoxes aside, if you could time-travel back to when you were 10 years old, what would you tell your 10-year-old self? tatau lerr.. 5. Do you think the child you were, would like the adult you've become? Absolutely..kott ? ;) thanks again..kwn2.. Posted by m|ss AnggEr|k @ 2:07 PM [0]comment(s) @ 11:54 AM ![]() Alop kengkwn. Pekabo sumer? Sj jek ni, tgh boring dgn keje yg bertimbun nih. Ni yg tak best bile out station. Balik ofis jek, keje yg byk m’nnti. Aku br balik dr 3 ari meeting kat melaka. This Wednesday gi meeting kat melaka lg. busan weh, asyik gie meeting kt melaka jek. Okla, kt sini aku nk revealkan ‘rahsia’ kamal & nash selama ni. Korg tgk la gambar kemesraan diorg on the way ke gua itik. Konpius aku, hehehe :) Posted by Unknown @ 11:54 AM [4]comment(s) @ 10:53 AM hi my frenz.. selamat bermonday blues.. BIRTHDAY SHOUTOUT "HAPPY BELATED BESDAY" to our beloved friend : Mr Nor Hazlee Hassan (22nd Jan) - 28 already Mr Rais Ayop (22nd Jan) - 31 already and "HAPPY BESDAY" to our lovely : Miss Mimi Ilyana Ab Malik (23rd Jan) - 27 already semoga panjang umur dan dimurah rezeki.. yang belom berumahtangga tuh cepat2la kawen.. yang dah beristeri/suami tuh..buat2la cam org dah ade bini yerk.. sudah2la dgn production pornstar tuh.. love u all Posted by ♥ a i z a ♥ @ 10:53 AM [7]comment(s) Sunday, January 22, 2006 @ 1:22 AM 1. What did you want to be when you grew up? Never the gempak kind of job.... Nak jd mcm2. Sailor, postwoman, driver, tukang pam petrol, etc... Thought these were the coolest job ever! 2. Did you follow through? If not, what happened? One actually did... tukang pam petrol, pasal skrg kene pam sendiri. Attendant dah pupus. 3. Is your life turning out the way you thought it would when you were a kid?If not, is it better or worse? Nothing like now! Definitely better!!!! 4. Paradoxes aside, if you could time-travel back to when you were 10 years old, what would you tell your 10-year-old self? Skincare is important! 5. Do you think the child you were, would like the adult you've become? Tall Posted by davina @ 1:22 AM [0]comment(s) Saturday, January 21, 2006 @ 12:51 PM 1. What did you want to be when you grew up? If my memory serves me well, masa standard 1 and 2, my first choice cikgu la...belum nampak profession lain lagi time ni, standard 3, it changed to LAWYER...and it remains until the last year kita isi fail kuning kat sekolah tu... 2. Did you follow through? If not, what happened? Of course. Habis SPM, I filled in borang UPU and ITM. For UPU, my first until fourth choice was undang-undang la...last sekali aku letak English (dah tak tau nak letak apa). For borang ITM, aku apply public admin since takleh straight amik law, kena ada STPM. i got my first choice, matriks undang-undang kat UIA and also Dip Public Admin in ITM. Went to UIA for 6 years, where actually i kind of wasted 2 years in matrics, because actually it can be shortened to a year, tapi dean masa tu tak bagi. time matriks, aku relaxed sgt, masa tu banyak lepak kat kl and subang. perabih duit govt. study pun main-main. masuk main campus in gombak, baru terhegeh-hegeh nak study betul-betul. Graduated in 2001, did my chambering, admitted as an advocate and solicitor in April, 2002 at Shah Alam High Court. Then I started practicing until December 2004. By this time dah disilussioned dengan the practicing world. Apa lagi...join PTD la... 3. Is your life turning out the way you thought it would when you were a kid?If not, is it better or worse? When i wanted to become a lawyer, i rasa dunia lawyer best sgt. i pun tak berapa ingat kenapa i was so attracted to practicing world. rasanya influence parents gak ni...sebab i read a lot, i cakap a lot. so my parents kata i would make a good lawyer. then influence tv la jugak ni. So my life did turn out ok i guess. I didn't regret my decision to quit practice though admittedly i do miss the days mengangkut files banyak-banyak naik komuter or LRT, jalan tengah panas pakai baju hitam putih, present cases, lepas kes lepak ngan kengkawan...after lunch time baru masuk opis. My life turns out just the way i wanted up to the day i applied for PTD and it took a surprisingly wicked turn when they sent me to research. Enough said. 4. Paradoxes aside, if you could time-travel back to when you were 10 years old, what would you tell your 10-year-old self? Belajar berenang betul-betul, nanti tak yah susah susah kat INTAN. 5. Do you think the child you were, would like the adult you've become? More or less. When i was a kid, i envisioned myself as a different kind of adult, but fate shaped the adult that i become today. Can't complain. Posted by bukooch @ 12:51 PM [0]comment(s) Friday, January 20, 2006 @ 3:36 PM 1. What did you want to be when you grew up? Aku nak jadi ASKAR!!Hehehe... 2. Did you follow through? If not, what happened? mak bapak pun suruh aku jadi doktor..tapi bila ambik biologi,aku tak minat (paling aku tak minat ialah kimia)..jadi aku ambik pengajian fizik...lepas tu tak tahu nak jadi apa!! Fizik ni macam takde, aku amik minor management dan bergiat dalam persatuan di universiti..tetiba minat pulak berbisnes dan buat event management, so belum lagi abis study aku dah buat company dengan bantuan lecturer aku..first 5 month untung kami 200%,mewah aku time tuh..last-last,lecturer tuh kebas abih duit dalam bank lari ke eygpt... Housemate aku sorang apply PTD then dia dapat...aku masa tuh tak tahu pun apa PTD nih..tengok dia gembira semacam je..aku pun apply gak,here i am... 3. Is your life turning out the way you thought it would when you were a kid?If not, is it better or worse? Dari takde keja..dapat PTD..syukur laa 4. Paradoxes aside, if you could time-travel back to when you were 10 years old, what would you tell your 10-year-old self? Main bola bagus-bagus...pegi ke England!!! 5. Do you think the child you were, would like the adult you've become? Dunno...there are pro and cons... Posted by X-weatherman @ 3:36 PM [1]comment(s) @ 3:26 PM 1. What do you do for fun? Fun..heheheh...sleep laa (wakil tidur dari MOSTI,aku dan Mateori) and playing PS2.Tidak dilupa,fishing... 2. Is there a person from your past you would like to talk to again, even if it would be a potentially painful conversation? errr...a person i knew 5 years ago.. 3. What is your favorite comfort food? potato chips 4. What is your preferred form of self-expression? sparring in a silat tournament 5. You just received $5000; what do you spend it on? Credit Cards... Posted by X-weatherman @ 3:26 PM [0]comment(s) @ 9:05 AM 1. What did you want to be when you grew up? Masa kat sekolah rendah nak jadi cikgu. Then masa kat sekolah menengah nak jadi archeologist but masa form 4 dah tak tau nak jadi apa coz amik class science..Lepaih tu involve accountant's world and now PTD... 2. Did you follow through? If not, what happened? Just 60% kot coz I've been involved in the calculation+figures which i luuuvvv so much for almost 5 years. 3. Is your life turning out the way you thought it would when you were a kid?If not, is it better or worse? It is better i guess...Now I have my MBA, my own car, change the perspective of my life by being positive all the time after the debacle experience with MPAJ, love my parents and my 2 little brothers so much..Now my target is PHD..still searching on the exact topic that i want to present to the senate (so eager to be called Dr. Effiza Azwani Binti Piroj Ahmad..phewwww). 4. Paradoxes aside, if you could time-travel back to when you were 10 years old, what would you tell your 10-year-old self? Nothing kot coz I love my life so much and i want it to be just the same... 5. Do you think the child you were, would like the adult you've become? Yes I guess... Posted by LavenderGal08 @ 9:05 AM [0]comment(s) @ 8:37 AM hello everybody.. since aku telah menstrugglekan diri menyiapkan segala report yg DO aku mintak.. dan takpe disangka2 aku berjaya juga... dan setelah siap..dgn jayanya aku telah menonton 3 episod the O.C season 3 yang telah ku burn di opis ini sambil memakai earphone.. kuang kuang memandangkan arinih aku halfday.. pasal jiran aka childhood fren aku akan bernikah.. aku pon dgn jayanya memalaskan diri so seperti yang aku janjikan...Jumaat5.. so here it goes.. 1. What did you want to be when you grew up? when i was in standard one i wanted to be u know the normal occupation doctor,lawyer teacher,singer..and when i was in standard 2 aku bercita-cita ingin menjadi konduktor bas (muahahah) pasal aku geram tgk org diri kat tangga bas and ketip2 tiket tuh...but i guess growing up..memacam aku nak jadik..architect la..web designer la..but NEVER PTD..heyy..aku pon tatau PTD tuh ape sehinggalah aku masuk PTD unggul.. 2. Did you follow through? If not, what happened? definitely NOT..i dunno why..aku tak jadik doctor bcoz i didnt took bio..teacher bcoz aku kurang sabar..singer bcoz sore aku terlampau 'lunak'..but web designer tuh aku sempatla merasa..but one of the factor i didnt follow thru is because of how hard it is to get a decent job..nih dapat jadik PTD pon cukup bertuah..syukur je lah.. 3. Is your life turning out the way you thought it would when you were a kid?If not, is it better or worse? i think i did far i have stability in life..a good and secure job although it will not hurt if they increased our salary like 100% (ya dream on)..i have my own car..good relationship with my parents and siblings not forgetting the other half and relatives..have wonderful and extraordinary friends (korang la)..not mentally insane (although sometimes i do)..and im quite happy in my i think yeayy.. (except the fact that im not married/have any relationship with Jordan Knight NKOTB).. 4. Paradoxes aside, if you could time-travel back to when you were 10 years old, what would you tell your 10-year-old self? "Dont eat too much and control your weight"..hehehehehe 5. Do you think the child you were, would like the adult you've become? 50-50 kot..because there's still a lot i need to achieve..but so far..aku masih menjadi anak yang baik dan tidak menconteng arang ke muka depa.. so kengkawan...copy and post in ur entry ok.. take care all.. (*_*) Posted by ♥ a i z a ♥ @ 8:37 AM [0]comment(s) Thursday, January 19, 2006 @ 5:18 PM MAG ILLUSIONS ![]() ![]() More at Fun Mansion. Posted by a g e n t p r o v o c a t e u r @ 5:18 PM [1]comment(s) @ 3:02 PM ![]()
ni review aku tentang memoirs of geisha: I think the Geisha movie is good, despite the mixed reviews it has received thus far. But considering the novel is my all-time favourite, I know putting it all into a motion picture is not an easy task. I was hoping for a more dramatic scene for the bidding process, or more elaborate shots on the geisha training. I also want to see the older Sayuri aka narrator once she moved to New York but the movie ended too early. Still, I love the movie all the same. The casting was superb and that alone was good enough for me.
Posted by .a.k.u.b.u.d.a.k.h.i.t.a.m. @ 3:02 PM [6]comment(s) @ 12:52 PM ![]() ![]() ANDY & MARIA The Australian Open is rife with rumours that Andy Roddick is stepping out with Maria Sharapova, which could explain why the American has been walking around Melbourne Park with a big smile on his face. Being a 6ft 2in multi-millionaire tennis player with a beautiful girlfriend ought to make life marvellous for Roddick. Even so, the other players keep their envy in check and he remains one of the most popular men on tour. Though neither will be drawn on the subject, Sharapova and Roddick have increasingly appeared in public together; since this tournament began the Russian has already spent three nights watching Roddick play poker at a local casino and he recently showed up for the launch of Sharapova's perfume. -Saja je bagi article pasal love-match ni- Posted by LavenderGal08 @ 12:52 PM [2]comment(s) @ 12:22 PM Hello geng, Thnx for the birthday wishes... Thnx for reminding me i'm older... Hahaha! Just got out of a marriage tribunal. Layan cerita org nak minta cerai... Ni yg buat pikir berjuta-juta kali nak kahwin.Word of advice: Don't get married just to get married. All the recipe for good marriages are all crap. It doesnt work that way. Anyway, nuff of that. Saje nak release tension. Saw some of the geng posted answers for questionaire. Thot i'd gv it a shot. 1. What do you do for fun? Travelling Free reading (don't everybody!) @ 2nd flr, Kino Antique hunting @ Bong's gallery House stalking @ everywhere - menyibuk tengok design rumah org. 2. Is there a person from your past you would like to talk to again, even if it would be a potentially painful conversation? Ex boyfriend - nuff said 3. What is your favorite comfort food? Fried chicken....sinful! 4. What is your preferred form of self-expression? (Do you dance; or express yourself through music, conversation, etc.) Spinning hse music, dance, writing 5. You just received $5000; what do you spend it on? What!!! Only $5000!A coach poppy handbag sounds good. Till then, Ta! Posted by davina @ 12:22 PM [2]comment(s) Wednesday, January 18, 2006 @ 11:36 AM hello pren... only 2 anouncement for today... INTERESTED NAK MAIN BOWLING DGN AFDLIN SHAUKI? Venue: Superbowl, Ampang Point Date: 22nd January 2006, Sunday Time: 3pm Entry Fee: RM13 (3 games + bowling shoe) and i think the cast of buli balik (hans,ako) will be there.. but yang pastinya Mr Funnyman will be there.. so if berminat..leave ur comment here.. or email my sis at KODOKGONEWILD@GMAIL.COM another one.. SAPE PERGI WEDDING SYIDA (SIDANG B/C)? Venue : Dewan Serbaguna AU2 Keramat Date : 22nd January 2006, Sunday Time : 12-4pm Entry Fee : Free (Tempat Duduk & Makan Minum) i'll be going since syida is my exschoolmate.. and her husband is my abg angkat.. so sesape pegi..tulis dlm comment.. leh kita gi bersama²..buat rafting dgn x senonohnya.. after gi wedding tuh baru nak gi bowling afdlin tuh.. so..apelagik..cepatla berikan jawapan anda..anda..anda (echo) Posted by ♥ a i z a ♥ @ 11:36 AM [3]comment(s) Tuesday, January 17, 2006 @ 3:28 PM opss...been very bz today.. and for the rest of my life gamaknya.. arghh..stresssssssssss!!!!!!!! jawapan bagi kuiz TEKA-TEKA SIAPAKAH SAYA? 1.Buntut sexy siapakah itu? Jawapan : ![]() Nor Hazlee Hassan 2.Siapakah Jejaka Pemalu ini? Jawapan : ![]() Mohd Kamal Hisham
Posted by ♥ a i z a ♥ @ 3:28 PM [3]comment(s) @ 12:17 PM ![]() ![]() Dua cerita ni baru di announce best film drama & best film musical/comedy. Brokeback effi tak tengok lagi but walk the line effi dah tengok. Walk the line memang worth it cerita ni, n yang lagi extra nye coz resse witherspoon n joaquin phoenix yg nyanyi sendiri. Sedap gak suara2 dia org ni.. Husna...welcome... Posted by LavenderGal08 @ 12:17 PM [2]comment(s) @ 7:47 AM dear Davina, I'm sorry it's bit late, but better than never rite? Happy belated birthday! Happy birthday late, and also ever! All your days be blessed with love and peace! Please forgive my lateness, and endeavor Patiently to grant me my release. Years come and go; our friendship will increase. Birthdays are like maps or clocks or signs: and for you, the one who must not be named thanks for the wishes ya. You're the only one who wished me ere;P Posted by a g e n t p r o v o c a t e u r @ 7:47 AM [11]comment(s) Monday, January 16, 2006 @ 10:11 PM who the hell coined such thing as shopping therapy? yeah right..yesterday went to midvalley and bought a few things that to think of it, i don't ACTUALLY need them (as always). i don't believe in shopping therapy as it stressed me out at the end of the day coz habis duit maaaa...for me shopping's for shopping's sake...never a therapy. contradict me frens, by all means. so, la ni duit aku dah ciput. maghrib tadi, a fren called needing favour from me, namely money and being a good fren that i am, me drove to the bank, deposited money for him. bertambah ciput duit aku...aiyah...bila gaji? mengira hari je aku ni... i heard this one really stupid song today. sang by indonesian band kot-jamrud, titled surti & tejo. know the emoticon YM yg gelak tergolek tu? that would be me, inclusive of tears running down my cheek listening to that song. nkorang dah penah dengar? kalau belum, as the song is not fit for broadcasting, same goes to the lyrics, silalah mendownload dan carilah lirik (kena hayati ni) dan kongsilah perasaan aku masa dengar lagu tu...damn funny... bodoh giler... topic..effina azwazi (tiru esatria) mention nak gi F1 ek? si husna tu dah sebok-sebok mention dah nak ke sana...siap dah beli baju...dia cakap tadi mclaren dah tukar kaler la pulak, so maybe kena beli baju baru kaler oren la pulak...wakakakaka...aku suggest pakai je baju 334 tu, pas tu panas gila kat sana..eheheheh... u guys... bukooch, the walking contradiction Posted by bukooch @ 10:11 PM [3]comment(s) @ 2:09 PM hi kengkawan... baru je masuk opis.. tadik gi perhimpunan bulanan with mb selangor.. so sempatlah berafting dgn bebudak suk selangor.. termasukla... MAMA NOOR & EPPY KHAYALAN... then balik umah dan zzzzz.. so barula masuk opis... nih baru nak bzkan diri.. minit mesyuarat x siap lagik nih.. susahla aku nak "mengaibkan" diri dr opis.. so arinih aku nak kasik korang teka-teki.. TEKA TEKI SIAPA SAYA? ![]() 1. Buntut siapakah ini? A : Azmeer Hamidun D : Rais Ayop ![]() so selamat meneka kengkawan.. hadiahnya ialah... akan diberitahu kelak.. Posted by ♥ a i z a ♥ @ 2:09 PM [8]comment(s) @ 2:01 PM ![]() Pasion De Gavilanes...cerita ni my favorite la for now. Sanggup tu tunggu kul 11mlm semata-mata nak tengok cerita ni..with my parents, dia orang pun minat cerita ni. Hari ni effi cuti..tgh relaxing kat rumah, saje je nak cuti...korang suma dah syok2 cuti sakan, effi tak cuti2 lagi. Nak stop jumpa kontraktor2 yg asyik dok merayu from 8.30am to 5.30pm. Back to this story, telenovela ni antara yg paling sukses la dlm history latino telenovela. My favorite couple...yg pakai baju blue black tu..romantis gitu cerita franco y sarita ni. Hepi working my friend. Posted by LavenderGal08 @ 2:01 PM [2]comment(s) @ 10:39 AM ![]() siapa ni? eh itu... saya cadangkan norhusna untuk menjadi bendahari... eh silap nama dia fasihatul husna... kekekkek sesedap mulut je jadi nor husma... hello semua setelah membelek pc baru aku yang berwarna hitam berjenama IBM ni, aku terjumpa gambar masa ptd unggul....kekkeke... ni gambar makcik yang tengah letih nak bagi idea persembahan...lip lap lip meghelip sunggoh! hmmmm kak husna mana pergi? tetiba aku teringat kak husna ni yang laju bawak kereta seperti perempuan perempuan lain dalam DPA... effi slow slow....kepala aku pening....heheheh.....itu plak effina azwazi....bestnya la bila teringat DPA... dengan semua kawan yang macam skema tapi kepala hotak giler... ada jugak yang macam best tapi membosankan...ada jugak yang suka tanya soalan...saya ada satu soalan....heheheh Posted by .a.k.u.b.u.d.a.k.h.i.t.a.m. @ 10:39 AM [8]comment(s) @ 8:23 AM asalamualaikum semua dan selamat pagi kedah nii...baru masuk blog nii... selepas aiza invite aku ingatkan sidang lain jerr ada asabiyah nii...rupanya sidang aku pun ada....huan! huang! lambat betul aku niii.......terima kasih aiza..ok invite aku... tu ajerr..pagi buta ni tak idea langsung niii.....mati kutu....cuti 2 hari... Posted by fadawi @ 8:23 AM [10]comment(s) @ 8:07 AM suka la aku buat mende nih aizaa...kind of self-discovery jugak sambil korang men'discover' things about myself..ahahhaa... hishhh..another full-week of workdays!!! bila laa cuti nihhh...mak aku slalu bising sebab malam ahad jek sambil menonton clark kent kat smallville mesti aku sebut2 "malasnya nak keje esokk" dan mak aku pun membebel2 laa..."lama lagik nak keje-pokpekpokpek-lagik 30 tahun"...waaarrgghh!! lagik le aku tensennn..another 30 yearss?? waduh waduhh..larat ke wehhh??? haa..dah laaa..about my fav-5 plakss :P 1. What do you do for fun? window-shopping, moviesss.. 2. Is there a person from your past you would like to talk to again, even if it would be a potentially painful conversation? my long-lost best-friend...had BIG TIME misunderstanding some 10 years back..and can't bring ourselves to talk again till, tolooooong la jgn carik pasal dgn akuu..pleeaseee.. :) 3. What is your favorite comfort food? any sancks that is cheesy-wheezyy...hmmm... 4. What is your preferred form of self-expression? (Do you dance; or express yourself through music, conversation, etc.) depends on current mood.. 5. You just received $5000; what do you spend it on? aku suka pian punyerr..CREDIT CARDSS!!! chowss bebehhh :) Posted by m|ss AnggEr|k @ 8:07 AM [2]comment(s) @ 7:29 AM ![]() Eksklusif untuk tatapan semua di pagi Isnin! Gambar paparazzi jejaka yang mendakwa Eva Longoria girlfren dia... : p Posted by Akira @ 7:29 AM [5]comment(s) Saturday, January 14, 2006 @ 1:35 PM anything goes eh guys? well, here goes...aku boring ni, takde apa nak buat...though i'm supposed to pack my stuff sebab nak pindah... masquerade, paper faces on parade...phantom of the opera, one of the first classical books that i read and fell in love with. aku nak cakap pasal apa ni? books that i love la of course...oh..before that, wanted to wrestle the jumaat5 thingy, though it is saturday..lantak la... 1. What do you do for fun? Roadtrip (though tak leh buat constraint maaaa...), reading, movies and it used to be going to gigs (missed the good ole days)!!! 2. Is there a person from your past you would like to talk to again, even if it would be a potentially painful conversation? Magistrates and Judges of the Courts...hahahaha... 3. What is your favorite comfort food? Food: Pasta, pasta, pasta Drinks: & Aztec from Chocz (heavenly) 4. What is your preferred form of self-expression? (Do you dance; or express yourself through music, conversation, etc.) Talking-pokpekpokpekpokpek (after all...i am a city girl...heheheh..those who went to BTN with me should know what i'm talking about...aku kena denda!!!) and keeping to myself at times 5. You just received $5000; what do you spend it on? Roadtrip!!! enough back to books...just finished Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. I started reading it like few months back, since DPA lagi but since i read few book simultaneously, kengkadang tu ter-ignore satu dua buku. It is a story of a hermaphrodite. Now reading Audrey Hepburn's Neck (Alan Brown) and Eleven Minutes (Paulo Coelho) and The International Jew (Henry Ford). I must be boring u guys..but anything goes...hahahaha...nasib la nkorang kena baca...i don't have any particular favourite author as i read books based on reviews, recommendations (especially from my fellow bookcrossers..any other bookcrossers here?) but give me anything by Roald Dahl, Oscar Wilde, David Sedaris, Jane Austen, i'll devour them in no time at all. Speaking of Jane Austen, last week pegi tengok Pride and Prejudice. the movie was okay...but for me it still can't top the one by BBC especially the dashing Mr. Darcy (me swooning)... lain kali aku tulis lagi la...panjang lagi dari ni..kehkehkeh... and again its me, myself and I bukooch aka sharila, the walking contradiction Posted by bukooch @ 1:35 PM [3]comment(s) Friday, January 13, 2006 @ 3:15 PM ![]() Posted by .a.k.u.b.u.d.a.k.h.i.t.a.m. @ 3:15 PM [6]comment(s) @ 2:34 PM frens... friday the 13th eh? my first posting is here on friday the 13th...Good God!! Damn boring in the office. I'm not much into all these blog blog thingy, that's why la me no post anything here...but trying to get myself frenly-frenly with this blog so that i can pour my heart contents n u guys will have no choice but to read them....kehkehkeh...bear with me my frens....not that anything interesting have been happening to me of late...extending my own lunch hour now...bos work...maybe later tonite will try that jumaat5 thingy. now have to go back to my room and buat-buat busy...tata guys... Posted by bukooch @ 2:34 PM [5]comment(s) @ 9:39 AM 1. What do you do for fun? KLCC, KLCC, KLCC 2. Is there a person from your past you would like to talk to again, even if it would be a potentially painful conversation? Wati 3. What is your favorite comfort food? Satay 4. What is your preferred form of self-expression? (Do you dance; or express yourself through music, conversation, etc.) Dancing 5. You just received $5000; what do you spend it on? Pay the credit cards Posted by .a.k.u.b.u.d.a.k.h.i.t.a.m. @ 9:39 AM [4]comment(s) @ 9:36 AM Here's schavrule vais Jumaat 5. High 5 to aiza! 1. What do you do for fun? Making sand castle at lovina beach, Bali (u shud go there aiza:p). Ok... ok lets cut the crap. Listening to mp3 msc while browsing free books, unwrap the packaging, and re-wrap the books at Kinokuniya. 2. Is there a person from your past you would like to talk to again, even if it would be a potentially painful conversation? My Physics and Add Maths teacher, the conversation goes like this: Cikgu: Hah, awak dah buat semua latihan dan denda 50 soalan yang awak hutang dengan saya!? Faiz: Tak cikgu, sebab saya yakin akan dapat A1 dalam subjek ni tanpa membuat kesemua latihan tu. Lagipun saya berhajat tak nak jadi saintis cikgu. 3. What is your favorite comfort food? Sometimes: Caramel Macchiato. A Starbucks original. Foamed milk marked with espresso and vanilla, then topped with a distinctive caramel pattern. Sweet, buttery and intense. Most of the times: Jasmine tea by Ahmad Tea. Rich in aroma, sweet n bitter tannins, and high in antioxidant. Oh yeah, I called it caffeine therapy (another ;p to aiza) 4. What is your preferred form of self-expression? (Do you dance; or express yourself through music, conversation, etc.) A smile. Even after hard-painfull and stressfull situations. Like yesterday, i managed to reverse psychology a Phd holder which also one of the idiota KPP in my department. Kalau dia baca blog ni (which i think yes), read this: "Throw away your doctorate man, and stop following my steps!" Ha.. ha... 5. You just received $5000; what do you spend it on? I'll follow billionnaire Syed Bukhary way, donate half of it and another half to buy MacBook Pro and 60gig iPod photo. I'll give my older laptop to honourable mr. Joseph Pairin Kittingan. Cheers!! It's black friday and 14 hours to go. Posted by a g e n t p r o v o c a t e u r @ 9:36 AM [8]comment(s) @ 9:30 AM 1. What do you do for fun?Movies-esp romantic comedy, Internet-any celeb gossip website & Books-esp. medieval romance 2. Is there a person from your past you would like to talk to again, even if it would be a potentially painful conversation?None... 3. What is your favorite comfort food?Chacos-cheese 4. What is your preferred form of self-expression?Singing 5. You just received $5000; what do you spend it on?Exploring Rome... Posted by LavenderGal08 @ 9:30 AM [1]comment(s) @ 8:58 AM morning my pren... i promised before.. our very own Jumaat5.. so start copying and put in into ur entry.. not ur comment ahh (faiz ehh)..:p 1. What do you do for fun? i love bowling, watching movies,shopping,hanging out with my loved ones.. 2. Is there a person from your past you would like to talk to again, even if it would be a potentially painful conversation? hemm...cant think of anyone right now but maybe my used-to-be-best-fren.. although he lied to me BIG TIME but i miss him.. 3. What is your favorite comfort food? some people might say ice-cream..but i'll say twisties..and uuuh coffea bean malibu dream.. 4. What is your preferred form of self-expression? (Do you dance; or express yourself through music, conversation, etc.) i expressed myself by talking A LOT..singing..being a drama queen also helps A LOT.. :p 5. You just received $5000; what do you spend it on? 5000 pound or euro..heheh..since i love travelling A LOT..i definitely spend it on going to other countries..i always wanted to go to new york,LA,canada.. and not forgetting.. shopping..the best therapy ever ok.. so...happy weekends.. miss u all like HELL.. Posted by ♥ a i z a ♥ @ 8:58 AM [2]comment(s) @ 8:51 AM ![]() ok ni turn aku lak nak berblog...aku tadi masuk opis dah la lambat. bukan pasal aku lambat lak tu... paling aku tak suka tetiba traffic lights kat ampang hilir tu menyala lak hari ni... habis la jammed sejammed jammednye...arghhh dah la pas tu ada lak minah sorang ni asyik main himpit himpit keta aku...menyusahkan betul la...dah la aku lambat jadi bertambah lambat nak tunggu kereta mengorat atas jalan....tahu la blackie aku tu handsome....nak ditambah cerita masa sampai kat jalan sultan ismail (simpang 4 dari klcc tu) ada la pulak satu kereta ni penakut nak mampos, bawak punya la slow pas tu tengok traffic lights tunjuk tinggal lagi 2 saat terus la berenti....sah sah je boleh jalan sampai lampu kuning...aku yang ada kat belakang dia terus la berhenti jugak...naik satria lak tu... hmmmm buat malu blackie aku je...ada lagi weh... pa tu masa dah lepas simpang tu masa aku nak masuk jalan TAR lalu depan maju junction ada lak keta turunkan org tepi jalan tu....dah la aku terlambat jadi bertambah lambat la..mungkin nama ayah dia sama ngan TAR kot....runsing kepala otak aku ni...nyusahkan je...pas tu aku dah malas nak fikir dah....penat...akhirnya aku masuk gak opis yang sungguh lewat sampai leh jadi wp4... so aku masuk buat la macam biasa....konon konon balik minum la....dalam hati..."lakonan aku berkesan tanpa menggunakan skrip". biasa la tak berapa takut sangat kalau terlambat sikit pasal aku balik pun lambat... berganda ganda ada la.... kepada sesapa yang berkaitan tu cuba fikrikan waktu kerja yang flexible....janji kerja 8 jam jugak.....kan senang....dah dah penat..... Posted by .a.k.u.b.u.d.a.k.h.i.t.a.m. @ 8:51 AM [3]comment(s) Thursday, January 12, 2006 @ 5:45 PM Oppss..aku dah tersilap post mesej ni dlm comment laa..hehhe..aiza, maaf ye? ni pertama kali saya menaip dgn pjg lebarnyer dlm blog delete je mesej dlm comment tu.....So, this is my original posting to all of u ;) "Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha semua..rasanya masih blm terlambat utk wish kan? Semoga segala pengorbanan kita selama ini telah memberi suatu pengertian yang cukup mendalam pada diri kita semua..Sori sgt sbb tak berkesempatan nak menulis dgn lebih panjang dlm blog ni.. It's good to have this blog as a meeting point for all of us by only using our fingertips :)InsyaAllah seminggu lagi aku akan mula distribute my invitation cards. I would love to invite all of my dear friends to my wedding,so boleh tak korang emailkan address masing2 to my email : atau just post it in this blog? Mana yg dkt dgn area opis aku ni, insyaAllah akan dihantar by hand k? Tq..." Posted by cqa @ 5:45 PM [9]comment(s) @ 8:32 AM morning kengkawan.... lama dah tak memunculkan diri.... tgk dalam blog nih makin lama makin ramai..alhamdulillah....bagusla macam nih.. at least boleh bergurau senda walau jauh di mata.... p/s: happy belated raya Qurban... best wooo cuti dua hari.... heheheh Posted by oreo @ 8:32 AM [2]comment(s) Wednesday, January 11, 2006 @ 5:21 PM ![]() Sape2 yg minat story abt doctors, kena tengok Grey's Anatomy. Best gak but kul 11mlm start setiap rabu. Posted by LavenderGal08 @ 5:21 PM [0]comment(s) @ 4:06 PM the best retail therapy ever... ribuan gak abes demi memuaskan napsu yg melampau.. so this are few stuff that i bought kat ausie.. ![]() i love buying it but not eating it..sayang rase nak makan ![]() something for the fiance ![]() aku gile beli skirt..terasa ayula konon pakai skirt ![]() my best buy..two nike shoes..first buy 20%,2nd buy 50%.. ![]() denim blazer AUD19.95,tshirt,perfume spray & tennis cap ![]() handbag & 2 wallet..fossil..murah plak tuh the moment u all have been waiting for.. kangaroo korang yang korang nak sangat tuh..:p tp unfortunately aku x bawak balik.. x sanggung tgk depa berpisah dgn mak bapak diorg.. ![]() Posted by ♥ a i z a ♥ @ 4:06 PM [9]comment(s) Monday, January 09, 2006 @ 7:05 PM ![]() -Baru jumpa abt this movie smlm. Kononnya b4 Romeo & Juliet, Lancelot & Guinevere...Tristan & Isolde ni lagi hebat. Mmm..we'll wait n c. Posted by LavenderGal08 @ 7:05 PM [2]comment(s) @ 4:36 PM This is mine - payjal 1) What was the first album/CD/Cassette you ever bought? jgn terkejut - rock jiwang kapak punya ni - shidee -semuanya sudah terlambat 2) What was your first fave song? form 1- damasutra- umpama mimpi dalam mimpi form 2 - gerhana cinta luka - iklim form 3 - hanya padamu - qiara form 4 - boo hoo clapping song - carburator dung - lagu semangat aku sebelum main bola, berlari- aku mesti dengar lagu ni sebelum competition and aku akan perform gila2 - aku nak cari balik lagu ni- sape ade cassette???? form 5 - fade to black, one, for whom the bell tolls- metallica - zaman ganas matric - advance sikit - don't look back in anger - oasis, buddy holly - weezer uni - you sang to me, my baby you -marc anthony- biasela time jiwang seronok bercinta kerja - hero - enrique - better man - robbie williams - dah macho sikit extra - masa dpa - masa bomba - lagu spring kerana budi aku jatuh hati - duet bersama masrizal mustapha bakri - kembali jiwang 3) Which song gives you that "funny nostalgic feeling" everytime you hear it? Don't look back in anger- oasis, lagu 'gemilang' malay college, '2' - kru, no one else - weezer, lagu jepun dpa 4) Name the first concert you ever went to. Concert micheal jackson di stadium negara tahun 80an dulu lama dah darjah berapa ntah 5) What do you consider the worst song of all time? lemon tree - mcm mana lagu ni org rate tinggi??? taste kayu betul la Selamat hari raya korban..... Posted by payjal @ 4:36 PM [5]comment(s) @ 10:45 AM sangat sengal, sangat buhsan... Supposed to have dvd marathon today,he.. he.. mcm biasa baca yek, kat mana ye? unfortunately, kalaulah... wish I didn't picked up d phone this morning... my boss called, asked me to go to the office... "baik boss.." sob.. sob... ARGHH!! Stttreeessss!! (sebut mcm aiza pronounce tau;p) pepagi dah mengadap, selonggok paperwork... siap ponteng perhimpunan lagi, kamal call, tak pepasal kena tegur, he.. he.. sorry yek aku ponteng, nanti aku naik tkt 4 mintak mahap kat PM he..he... aku tak bersalah, tanyalah boss aku.. Wei korang selain aku ngan kamal sape lagi antara korang kena kerja? Aku nak ucap tahniah la kat korang, he..he.. sangat sengal, sangat buhsan... Posted by a g e n t p r o v o c a t e u r @ 10:45 AM [10]comment(s) Friday, January 06, 2006 @ 9:23 PM Halo... Davina here. Thnx aiza for this invite. Who could resist a blog? While we xchange news, blh juga menunjukkan keasobiyah-an sidang C... Heheh Mebbe i didnt get the chance to tell u guys this, but thank u for sharing the dpa experience with me. Now i get to bitch about how each one of us manage to get thru it. Bnyk sgt group... semue nak join.... Slamet hari raya & happy holidays! p/s: raya haji ada minta maaf tak? Posted by davina @ 9:23 PM [1]comment(s) @ 5:46 PM ![]() Guys, Selamat Hari Raya Haji.... A lifetime can be likened to a lonely beach of sand. a stranger makes a mark one day, an imprint of a hand. As time goes by the beach once clear is now a cluttered field of memories and keep-sakes of the ones that we hold dear. Time does its best to wash away remembrances of those - the ones we never meant to meet - the ones we never chose. But as through some odd twist of fate these are the ones we cherish. The time we spend with these such friends, will never, ever perish. Posted by a g e n t p r o v o c a t e u r @ 5:46 PM [2]comment(s) @ 5:42 PM :) -cqa- Posted by cqa @ 5:42 PM [3]comment(s) @ 2:05 PM hmm..menarik jugak idea 'Jumaat5' aiza nihh..something which we can learn more about each otherr..yer lahh, dah berkursus 6 bln pun x abih kenal lagi, here goes minee.. :) 1) What was the first album/CD/Cassette you ever bought? i THINK its ziana zain.. 2) What was your first fave song? "Foolish Games" by Jewels, "Everytime" by Britney 3) Which song gives you that "funny nostalgic feeling" everytime you hear it? lagu Jepun DPA kita tuhh, "Mungkin Nanti" by Peter Pan, "How Do I Live" by Le Ann Rimes 4) Name the first concert you ever went to. Ziana Zain kat Stadium Melawati, Shah Alam..hmm masa minat gila2 si Ziana nih dulu... 5) What do you consider the worst song of all time? xder sebab dgr x sedap jek terus bukak lagu lainn.. :D banyak la sebenanyerr... OK!! :) Slamat hari raya aidil adha, everyone... :) Posted by m|ss AnggEr|k @ 2:05 PM [3]comment(s) |
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