Thursday, March 30, 2006 @ 6:37 PM EKSLUSIFF...PANAS!!!PANAS!!! ![]()
Posted by Unknown @ 6:37 PM [6]comment(s) @ 3:12 PM ![]() Ni gambar adalah ihsan dari Naim Majdi bin Sulaiman yang meng 'mms' kan pada aku lepas kelas.. Posted by X-weatherman @ 3:12 PM [5]comment(s) @ 10:55 AM ![]() tetiba aku scroll telepon aku terjumpa gambar project manager ni hah tido. keh keh keh Posted by .a.k.u.b.u.d.a.k.h.i.t.a.m. @ 10:55 AM [13]comment(s) Tuesday, March 28, 2006 @ 9:03 AM hello friends... well well well... im actually quite SUPRISED to know that our blog is quite WELL KNOWN.. because the reason i created this blog is a way for us to communicate with one another and update each other.. and i dont specificly say that this blog is for certain people.. pasal kawan2 aku semua PEPAHAM sendiri la kan.. and i dont even put rules in this blog... nak kutuk ke, nak puji ke,nak cerca ke is up to u... we are all responsible for our own action.. tapi yang pelik tuh..we are talking about someone else... tapi ada "manusia pelik" nih plak yang EXTRA terasa... i admit..aku bleh kire brape kali je aku masuk YG kita.. the reason... there's this one PARTICULAR person ... aku bleh anggap die cam 'virus' la... because of this 'virus' aku rase bleh pecahbelah batch kita.. i mean..COME ON LA..we are all matured people.... umur pon dah more than 25 years old.. STOP BLAMING OTHERS FOR YOUR OWN MISTAKE.. sampai bile pon takkan belajar erti hidup kalo jari tuh asyik tuding ke org lain.. tak sedar ke ade 3 jari yang tuding balik ke diri engko... serius la...kalo masalah ko nih di bawak ke MAHKAMAH DUNIA pon.. SAH SAHLA mmg SATU DUNIA TAU KO YANG SALAH... so stop blamming KEASSABIYAHAN menyebabkan ko gagal... lantakle sesape nak assabiyah pon... TAKDE PON DLM QURAN KATE ASSABIYAH TUH HARAM... janji kitorg x menyusahkan org lain... kalo ko rase kitorg menyusahkan engko... jauhkan diri engko dari kitorg nih... kitorg tak rugi ape2 pon dgn 'virus' cam engko nih... SUDAH2LAH TUH.. stop being so childish and spoilt brat... TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN ACTION... and STOP BLAMING OTHERS FOR UR FAILURE.. and STOP MENGHASUT ORG LAIN MEMBENCI ORANG LAIN.. for us its a waste,wasting our energy DISLIKING people like u.. aku sebenarnye malas la nak melayan this virus kan.. tapi bile ko dah MELAMPAU and cube menghasut orang lain MEMBENCI orang lain.. kesabaran kitorg ada BATAS... one word from us to YOU.. "STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" THINK BEFORE U ACT OR SAY ANYTHING. kami mendoakan kebahagiaan dan ketenangan dalam diri ko. Posted by ♥ a i z a ♥ @ 9:03 AM [16]comment(s) Tuesday, March 21, 2006 @ 12:02 PM hello friends special announcement.. a birthday shout out.. a belated birthday shout out to be exact.. BIRTHDAY WISHES ![]() to the newly dad, our friend Mr Mohd Fareez Bin Mohd Ariss @ Mohd Hatta who turns 27 on 19 March 2006 sedar2la sket ko tuh dah jadik bapak org.. so semoga semakin matang and bertanggungjawab... semoga sentiasa dilimpahi rezeki dan rahmat dariNya.. be a good son,husband,daddy & the most important, hambaNya.. bile nak belanja aku nih wahai bekas ADO Kuala Selangor Posted by ♥ a i z a ♥ @ 12:02 PM [13]comment(s) Monday, March 20, 2006 @ 3:00 PM ADA GENG ASSABIYAH KITA MASUK TV asslamualaikum...semua..jarang sangat saya mengomel dalam blog tak reti laa nak ngomel..banyak2 macam aiza po pet po pet...he he sorry aiza tak ngutuk cakap benar aje..hari sabtu ari tu 6.30 petang 18/03/2006 tertengok batch assabiyah kita masuk tv program bola laa nak tahu sapa dia ala....syarila ngan nash....program bersempena world cup laa tu...hmm yang besnya nama kumpulan dia orang letak tuu ...assabiyah fc......ha ha ...kelakar laaa..ko orang syarila..pas tu saya msg kat syarila...sampai sekarang dia tak jawab....hmm syarila naperr laa ko tak jawab harapkan nash aja..yang jawab .....hmm pe2 pun dia orang dapat melayakan diri ke suku akhir tahniah laaaa..syarila ngan nash menyemarakan lagi asabiyah...ex sidang c....tapi jangn assabiyah sangat nanti jumud...ha ha.. kalu dapat hadiah tu..hmmm..kongsi2 laaa kita orang semua wat kenduri...he he..sokong ko orang jadi juara... wasslam..... Posted by fadawi @ 3:00 PM [12]comment(s) Friday, March 17, 2006 @ 2:49 PM ![]() I'm sharing another photo with u guys. Fyi, this was taken after "majlis akad nikah" :) Posted by cqa @ 2:49 PM [1]comment(s) @ 2:38 PM ![]() Hello friends.. just a quick note here to share my wedding photo with all of you. Have a nice weekend :-) Posted by cqa @ 2:38 PM [6]comment(s) @ 12:06 PM Selamat hari Jumaat, selamat hujung minggu, angah nak balik Klang, esok ada mountain bike challenge kat Damansara. Angah akan jadi penyokong yang hebat ehehehe. Cik Moderator, bowling apa cerita? Posted by Angah @ 12:06 PM [0]comment(s) @ 11:56 AM haloo kengkawan... after few weeks without our Jumaat5.. so here it is.. copy and paste it in ur entry... 1. What is your favorite specialty restaurant (Italian, Mexican, Thai, etc.)? 2. What do you order to eat there? 3. What is your favorite specialty food or dish to cook? 4. If you could travel to the home country of your favorite specialty food, what would you do there? 5. What is your worst experience with a specialty food restaurant? happy weekends.. im goin to genting in few hours time.. and tomoro nak gi mattafair.. sape gi esok??? Posted by ♥ a i z a ♥ @ 11:56 AM [2]comment(s) Thursday, March 16, 2006 @ 1:55 PM Again, kerja banyak tapi takde hati nak buat, teringat teruna angah yang tak berapa sihat kat rumah. Blog hopped again and I found Sidang D blog. Lebih kurang blog kita, mereka banyak aktiviti luarlah. So check the blog out. But please maintain our profesionalime yer kengkawan by not leaving nasty comments and what not. Lain sidang pun kita tetap batch 2/2004 kan... Posted by Angah @ 1:55 PM [3]comment(s) @ 8:44 AM pg td boss suruh aku gi meeting kat kota kinabalu 22 & 23 next week. tp, mlgnya aku kena gi retreat tatatertib kt Kota Bharu 20-23 mac. takde rejeki aku nk cuti2 msia kat KK smbil melwt budak kiut harith a.k.a josephpairinkitingan. bestnye if aiza & noor dpt join gi kelate, boleh kite shopping gile2. tp takpela. dgr citer rmi kengkwn kite g kursus sekali kat kelate i.e wan yusran, jeli, shahrulnizam, azrin reserach, kak naza, johny anak andrew & sape2 lg ntah. takde la aku sangap sebagaimana aku sangap kursus kt tganu dulu. okla kengkwn. hope aku dpt join rafting kt wedding mimi coz that week aku kursus kt melaka. miss u all... Posted by Unknown @ 8:44 AM [2]comment(s) Tuesday, March 14, 2006 @ 5:20 PM Hi friends... just got back from honeymoon in Langkawi.Tak jadi pi Tioman/Pangkor la Aiza n Angah, coz penat laa nak drive from Penang. Today dah masuk ofis balik. Belum sempat nak baca semua entry dlm blog ni..sempat baca sebhg jer.. Thanx to all of u who came to my wedding walaupun korang terpaksa meredah hujan dan banjir. I luv u all!! Terima kasih juger for the gifts..Susah2 je korang kutip duit and beli mcm2. Aiza, nasib baik korang tak bagi peti ais. Kalau tak, tak dapeklaa den nak bayang camano Kamal and the geng angkek peti ais tu masuk ke umah cqa..hehehe..really, thanx again to all of you. Comel sungguh anak ko Fareez, putih mcm mama dia. Nama pun sedap...Ilham Dhani. Semoga dia menjadi anak yg soleh dan taat pada parents dia. Happy belated birthday to Rahah. Sorry rahah sbb lambat wish. Semoga dipanjangkan usia, sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki dan mendapat rahmatNya. Tak sabar nak jumpa korang masa kenduri Mimi. Mimi, aku nak kad jemputan. Pos la kat aku ek? 56, Jalan tangkul 19/21, seksyen 19, 40300 shah alam.. Ok, take care all.. Posted by cqa @ 5:20 PM [6]comment(s) @ 10:24 AM haloo frenz.. slow sket xtvt kat sini.. i guess everyone is quite bz.. takpe..teruskan dgn usaha utk menjadi ptd yg cemerlang.. anyway..last wednesday our friend mr fareez.. which btw is not an ADO anymore came to my office.. after few gossips i finally manage to see his son's face.. mak datokkkkk..comellll la sesangat sampai teringat2.. and i told him..nasib baik ikut muke mak.. sebab tuh putih and ensem..muahahahahhaha *jgn kecik ati* eh fareez.. truth hurts ..i know.. ;p anyway..dgn kebenaran papa baby comel nih.. so..i present to u.. Ilhan Dhani Bin Mohd Fareez ![]() ![]() told ya... how cute and handsome this little fella is.. fareez..nasib baikle dapat rupe bini ko.. muahahahahahahahhahaa. *jgn marah* Posted by ♥ a i z a ♥ @ 10:24 AM [20]comment(s) Monday, March 13, 2006 @ 10:04 AM lama aku tak memblog update aku weh...pindah rumah baru la katakan, streamyx tak on lagi, janji dalam sehari je, ni dah seminggu lebih dah...hampeh betul tm ni...hari ni bos cuti, so free sket, aku pun nak mengupdate citer idup aku last week yang ada hubung kaitnye dengan kawan kita, idawa... isnin: petang aku dapat call dari idawa. dia kata nak dtg kl sebab ada kursus kat intan, tapi tak tau nak datang naik apa, maybe naik bas sebab tak berani drive malam n kalau naik bas nak mintak aku fetch dia kat puduraya, dalam pukul 11 pm then send her to intengah. aku takde hal punya. persoalan yg idawa lupa: ada ke org tunggu dia kat intengah malam-malam buta nak bagi kunci billik? bila aku mention, baru dia ingat, dia pun call org intengah. okies...settle dah satu masalah. aku pun tunggu dia call nak tau dia dtg naik apa. aku balik rumah, mandi, bla bla bla...idawa tak call jugak aku. around 9.30 pm mcm tu aku call, idawa tak jadik dtg mlm tu, dia drive pepagi esok ke kl...idawa takde credit nak call aku...hehehehe..settle satu lagi masalah. selasa: janji nak dinner ngan idawa. pegi intengah after work, dapat la aku tengok keta baru idawa, plet AFQ...dah kemek sket belakang...kesian idawa. gi dinner kat a&w pj sebab aku nak makan waffle. alec joined us for dinner. borak punya borak, keluar citer hantu kat intengah. dah la bilik idawa sorang, kat belakang pulak aku ajak idawa tido rumah aku. lepas dinner singgah intengah amik baju lepas tu balik rumah aku kat selayang sana. dalam keta kitorg melalak lagu dewa yang geng minat dewa ngan aku... rabu: pukul 6.30 am kitorg kuar rumah, dlm keta melalak lagu dewa lagi. habih pening cd aku pusing tak berenti. aku hantar idawa pegi intengah. malam kuar dinner lagi, gi makan kat johnny's kat jaya. alec as always joined us and new addition, cik inul jaja..woohoo..dengan semangatnye kak jaja kita pakai baju 334...apa lagi, nak runtuh johnny's tu ngan suara kitorg...habih dinner, naik keta inul, suruh dia hantar kitorg gi kat keta aku walaupun jauhnya sejengkal je...lepas tu back to my home...rafiza, we should have brought along a camera that nite la... khamis: as usual, 6.30 kuar rumah...keta dah gerak few minutes from home, idawa pun teringat, idawa tertinggal pencuci muka ngan berus gigi kat rumah aku..malas dah ni nak patah balik, takut lambat. so aku cakap kat idawa, nanti-nanti aku pos la pencuci muka tu...SK II tu...mana leh tinggal mcm tu je...kehkehkeh. melalak lagu dewa, hantar idawa, drove to opis. kat opis dlm pukul 8/9 cam tu aku dpt call dari fasihatul husna. citernye? idawa call dia suruh bagitau aku dia tertinggal handphone kat rumah noon idawa call aku nak tanya cemane. aku suruh dia amik kat rumah aku, dia tak ingat jln. lagi pun dia nak drive balik in the evening. ding dong ding dong ding dong...idawa decided to drive back to ipoh and aku will courier the handphone later and she'll provide me with the details. so...aku tunggu, tunggu, tunggu, dia tak call jugak. aku call her father, tinggal pesan suruh dia call aku balik. so aku tunggu, tunggu and tunggu lagi, sampai la pagi ni...IDAWA....bagi sini le detailsnye...aku nak courier phone ngan SK II nko ni weh... itu la kejadian-kejadian aku n idawa last week...we had so much fun. hoping there'll always be more times mcm ni for us, all of us, to just hang around and have fun, minus tertinggal handphone...hehehehe... and again its me, myself and i bukooch the walking contradiction Posted by bukooch @ 10:04 AM [6]comment(s) Friday, March 10, 2006 @ 2:48 PM haloos frenz.. well..this is what i did last weekend.. ![]() berpiknik & bermandian di janda baik (frenz we shud go there sometimes) ![]() melalak bersama family ku di kktv yow chuan sampai rosakla peti sore aku ![]() menyokong pasukan bowling the fellowship of the kodoks at ampang point superbowl so what shud i do this weekend? Posted by ♥ a i z a ♥ @ 2:48 PM [6]comment(s) @ 9:12 AM ISIKAN TEMPAT KOSONG DI BAWAH:
Hah, apa lagi... copy, paste, pastu isikan jawapan korang dan publish! Jangan hampakan Cikgu blog kita, Cik Aiza;) Posted by a g e n t p r o v o c a t e u r @ 9:12 AM [2]comment(s) Thursday, March 09, 2006 @ 1:51 AM Bored? Jom baca blog junior kita: -nurlina (1/05) -zyrin (1/04) -serra (1/05) ::bapa+datuk PTD -aling -faris ain (1/05) Posted by a g e n t p r o v o c a t e u r @ 1:51 AM [2]comment(s) Wednesday, March 08, 2006 @ 12:58 PM ![]() ![]() ![]() Assalamualaikumm koranggg.. seronoknya aku last week bermeetg dgn kwn2 sebatchh..jumpe la nazrul, mawar, fazlii..wpun bukan sume sidang kiter tp excited la bile jumpe diorgg..bila plak buleh jumpe korang yg lelainn..eheheh :) ok laa, sementelah hal ehwal perkahwinan shiqah dah redaa..aku plak nak mewar-warkan berita aku plakk.. so, di kesempatan ini, aku bagi pihak ibunda dan ayahanda aku nak mengundang kalian ke kenduri perkahwinan aku plak pada butiran seperti berikut (heheh..campur ayat gomen la plak :P): Tarikh : 2 April 2006 ( 12 tghr - 5 ptg; Bersanding 1 tghr) Alamat : 11A, Jalan Selekoh 8/2B, Seksyen 8, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor. (dari Federal Highway KL-Klang naik flyover Persiaran Kayangan menuju ke Pusat Bandar and ikut laluan ke Taman Pertanian Bukit Cahaya Seri Alam) sori la x dpt nak antar kad pada sumer tapi besar harapan kalau kalian dapat memeriahkan majlis aku nanti.. insya allah nanti map aku masuk dlm email yerr :) Thanks, c ya around thenn.. :) Posted by m|ss AnggEr|k @ 12:58 PM [4]comment(s) @ 8:05 AM ![]() stupid, desperate or just a heartbreaker? I think relationships are all about ego management. Sometimes you don not get the result u want if u were too available. You just need to play hard to get in order to be attractive. Of course if u play too hard, u might lose her for good, so its better to show some positive responses once in a while to keep the interest coming in. My problem is I am either too unavailable that it scares her, or I am too blur to think that the other party is playing hard to get when i actually not interested at all. Then there was a time when I like this girl but nothing happens cos I thot she was not interested in me and I did not know that she was only playing hard to get. When we meet up again after a long time, she made herself available for me. For some odd reason, I have decided to take a step back and play hard to get. So far I seemed to be doing the wrong actions to the right person, or the right actions to the wrong person. Stupid! p/s: still looking for an english teacher Posted by .a.k.u.b.u.d.a.k.h.i.t.a.m. @ 8:05 AM [5]comment(s) Tuesday, March 07, 2006 @ 1:07 PM Dok blog hopping sebab tak de kerja (kerja menimbun sebenarnya huhuhu) dan terjumpa 2 blog DPA Batch 1/2005 Faruq (sidang C ) Nisha (tak tau sidang apa) pi lah melawat.... Anyway.. tengah dok sibuk buat talking point kenaikan harga minyak nih... tensen.. tensen.. bila orang dok maki hamun government servant cam kita nih sebab harga minyak naik, macamlah kita yang naikkan harga minyak tu. Nak ikutkan kita yang gaji ciput nih lagi terasa kesannya.. Posted by Angah @ 1:07 PM [2]comment(s) Monday, March 06, 2006 @ 12:58 PM KEASSABIYAHAN NYATA Baru balik dari JB menghadiri Kursus Asas Keselamatan Kumpulan Pengurusan Professional BKN minggu lepas. Dok kat ngan Danga Bay. Tak sempat nak merayau sebab kelas sampai malam. DPA pun tak camni... hampehhh!! Cuma dapat bersms jer ngan Ace sebab dia otstesen. Malam dinner, bebudak BKN mengasabiyahkan diri dengan batik DPA. Memang WORLD sampai mencetuskan idea TKP nak buat batik utk jabatan. Free aku nak... bayar aku takmo! Posted by Angah @ 12:58 PM [6]comment(s) @ 12:15 AM selamat hari senin kengkawan.. another birthday shout out BIRTHDAY WISHES ![]() to my bespren , the one and only miss rahah binti ismail who turns 26 today i wish u all the happiness in the world.. cause u really deserve it.. and aku doakan ko dikurniakan jodoh yang baik... and dalam masa terdekat.. aku pon dah agree nak jadik PM engko.. hehhehee aku sayang engko wahai tun ahah... semoga sehat and hidup ko diberkati selalu.. Posted by ♥ a i z a ♥ @ 12:15 AM [11]comment(s) Sunday, March 05, 2006 @ 6:46 PM 6.45 pm, 5th march 2006. my last entry from my house in jalan kampung pandan. tonite i dah pindah selayang..makin jauh la nak gi keje. itu je la nak bagitau. dah guruh petir kat luar tu, need to log off... and again its me, myself and i bukooch the walking contradiction Posted by bukooch @ 6:46 PM [4]comment(s) Friday, March 03, 2006 @ 8:37 AM hi my frenz.. nampak lembap plak this blog sejak 2 menjak nih.. anyway... birthday shout out for today.. BIRTHDAY WISHES ![]() to my best friend nuur rasyiqah zainuddin who i believe now is enjoying her new life as a wife and turns 25 today i know this year birthday celebration will be an extra for u.. u not only turnin a year older but u have a husband by ur side to celebrate it with.. ciqoh u know that u,kak husna,noor & me was labelled as kembar 4.. u will always be our little sister (eventho ko paling matang atr kami) semoga murah rezeki and diberi kesihatan yang berpanjangan.. and semoga mendapat zuriat tak lama lagik.. so that kitorg boleh jadik the coolest aunties and uncles ever.. Happy Birthday my dear.. love you with all my heart.. Posted by ♥ a i z a ♥ @ 8:37 AM [5]comment(s) Thursday, March 02, 2006 @ 11:41 PM frenz.. announcement "Want ur surat kelulusan DPA? Please send ur name, ic, office add, tel, fax & jawatan to" Posted by ♥ a i z a ♥ @ 11:41 PM [0]comment(s) Wednesday, March 01, 2006 @ 10:10 AM aku dah tukar nombor telefon. New number 012-3270040 (elfian) Posted by .a.k.u.b.u.d.a.k.h.i.t.a.m. @ 10:10 AM [1]comment(s) |
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